JRS Express - Cantilan

Address: Purisima-Orozco St, Magosilom, Cantilan, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

Telephone: (086) 2125544

Website: http://www.jrs-express.com


  • couriers
  • delivery

Map Location (approximate only)

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Nearby Points of Interest

  1. LBC Express - Cantilan

    Located at Brgy Lininti-An, Cantilan, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 0.37 km away


    • couriers
    • delivery
  2. Caltex - Cantilan

    Located at National Hway, Cantilan, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 0.83 km away


    • gas stations
  3. Municipality of Cantilan, Province of Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

    Located at Cantilan, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 3.57 km away


    • municipalities
  4. RCBC Branch - Carrascal

    Located at National Hway, Gamuton, Carrascal, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 4.78 km away


    • banks
  5. Phoenix - Carrascal

    Located at Carrascal, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 5.91 km away


    • gas stations
  6. Municipality of Madrid, Province of Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

    Located at Madrid, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 8.28 km away


    • municipalities
  7. Municipality of Carrascal, Province of Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

    Located at Carrascal, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 10.58 km away


    • municipalities
  8. Municipality of Carmen, Province of Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

    Located at Carmen, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 14.18 km away


    • municipalities
  9. Municipality of Lanuza, Province of Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

    Located at Lanuza, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 17.39 km away


    • municipalities
  10. Municipality of Cortes, Province of Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

    Located at Cortes, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines
    Approximately 22.55 km away


    • municipalities